Friday, August 24, 2018

Resiliency of Filipinos to Disaster

Philippines is a disaster prone country. What does disaster prone country means? It is a country that can usually experience disasters. Why is the Philippines called "disaster prone"? In what way can Filipinos survive the usual experiencing of disasters?

Image result for philippine disaster collage
Our country is located near the Pacific Ocean causing almost 21 typhoons to enter usually in our country in a year. Our country is also inside the Pacific Ring of Fire which means it is prone in earthquakes and later on tsunami and is a home for many volcanoes which causes volcanic eruptions. Because of climate change, we, Filipinos, experience La Niña and El Niño. When we say La Niña, we experience rainny season more than drought. When we say El Niño , we experience drought more than rainny season. Typhoon, earthquakes, volcanic eruption, tsunami, El Niño, and La Niña are categorized in the Human Induced Disasters. Those disasters stated were not just the disasters we can experience. There are also disasters made by man like for example pollution, war, and many more. Many disasters are felt but how did we still survive all of these? It is by being strong. Filipinos are known for being an optimistic people. We laugh, we feel and give joy and we don't surrender despite of the disasters we can feel.The word "surrender" is nowhere.

For the people of the Philippines, strongness is the best policy. We laugh, we feel joy, we do not surrender.


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