Saturday, October 20, 2018

Language Text Hyper Mark-up

The title itself is a jumbled words of the focus of our 2nd Grading in ICT. It's all about HyperText Mark-up Language.

This topic is very new to us. I don't even have an idea that the Notepad is an HTML editor. When I was a kid, I use the notepad just like how I use the MS Word because I thought it's literally "note","pad". But then when we learned the HTML, it's like "wow amazing". Because it's like I'm programming. I also tried making a periodic table with the help of a person who is so close to my heart.

Hypertext ML made me hyper in this grading period.

Gurong Pilipino: Turo Mo, Kinabukasan Ko

Teaching is a noble profession. Without teachers, other professions are not made. Without teachers, personalities will not be mold correctly.

Teachers' day celebration highlights the teachers’ invaluable contribution to the delivery of quality, accessible, relevant, and liberating basic education in the country. During their day, activities are conducted such as asking students to write feature stories about their teachers and publish these either in the school paper or on local newspapers or broadsheets. DepEd also encourages schools to organize special activities to honor teachers for the month of September such as poster making and essay writing contests. Schools, DepEd added, may also organize cultural performances especially for teachers.

Their day should not be only on October 5. It should be everyday. So, to all teachers out there. Belayed happy teachers' day!

Wavefront: Accentuating Potentials, Activating Technological Advancements

Being celebrated every September, as mandated by the Presidential Proclamation No. 264 is the National Science Club Month.

The said club focuses on giving importance to electromagnetism which is discovered by Michael Faraday. This is the current cornerstone of human technological advancements that brought significant changes in the world today, and even tomorrow. The theme also assigns to the youth and Science clubbers the responsibility or role of accentuating potentials and activating technological advancements. It is also to promote public understanding of science, technology and environment, to boost scientific consciousness among the youth, and encourage the youth to participate actively in the Science Clubbing Movement. 

Potentials are accentuated. Technological advancements are activated.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Equality is the Best Policy

People have their own rights but sometimes, others violate it. They violate it because they know that they're stronger. They know that nobody will be able to hear them. They know that they don't have the power to shout for their own rights.

Trocadero Plaza in Paris is where the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed in the year 1948 and also this is where a crowd of more than 100 000 was gathered in the 17th day of October 1987. There are rights but why do people still feel that they are at the bottom of the society? As an individual, I know the feeling of being cast out of somebody. I know the feeling of being nobody. I know the feeling of being valueless. I know those feelings and maybe you too knew that feeling. Now if you do not know yet that feeling, try to put yourself in that feeling or in that particular situation, how does it feel? Does it feel good? Imagine yourself that you're one of a child who wants to play, who only wants to join other children in their game then one will say "Go there! You don't belong here". What will you feel? Simple but heart melting situation. Why do we need to cast out others well in fact we are at the same position because we are made fairly and we are all equal?

We are all somebody. We all deserved to be respected. Black or white, rich or poor, pretty/handsome or ugly. We are all one

10th Grade Experiences in Lab

          Be brave. Take risks. This is how it goes. I have no idea how hard it is. I have no idea how critical it is. But we tried. At lea...