Tuesday, February 5, 2019

An Opportunity:Change

Change is a chance. It forces to find strength and emancipates to travel new waters, seek escapade, and uncover hidden treasures.

Image result for change is a chanceLeo Tolstoy once said,"Everyone thinks of changing the world but no one thinks of changing himself." It means that change starts within me, within you, and within everybody.

As a youth, as a daughter, and as a student, simple ways could be done to begin the change. You know what's the simplest but the most perfect thing you can do? It's to love. Love is just one word with four letters but it conquers everything. I can say that it makes the world go round because it is everything. With love, a human can be Godly, humanitarian, nature lover and a nationalist because nothing's impossible with love.

Change your thoughts. Change your reality. Turn your trials into conquest. Be a cover for change and prosper in change.

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